
50 HR solutions demos

50 innovation demos unmissable in HR software

Time Room Demo Presented by Family
8h00 Sigma RH HalfSerious Innovations HalfSerious_MAIN_C (1) Workforce Management & Productivity
8h10 UKG APPLAUZ Innovations Applauz-Logo Other Best-of-Breed Solution : Engagement / Recognition
8h20 Sigma RH eZsign Innovations eZsign_logo_RGB Other Best-of-Breed Solution : E-Signature
8h30 UKG Innovations Balance RH Balance_Courriel_Fr Other Best-of-Breed Solution : Compliance
8h40 Sigma RH Evolia Innovations logo-evolia Workforce Management & Productivity : Time and Attendance Management
8h50 UKG Trustii Innovations 24_Trustii_Logo_Complet_MDR_ Other Best-of-Breed Solution : Compliance
9h00 Sigma RH WorkAxle Workforce Management Innovations WorkAxle_Logo2021_Horizontal-Color Workforce Management & Productivity : Time and Attendance Management
9h10 UKG Protexio Innovations PROTEXIO_logo_Sans_PUV_noir_RGB Employee Survey, Health & Compensation
9h20 Sigma RH Neocase Software Innovations Neocase-Corporate-Web (1) Workforce Management & Productivity : BPM / Case Management
9h30 UKG Amélio Innovations Amélio - turquoise Employee Survey, Health & Compensation
9h40 Sigma RH DAZZM Innovations Dazzm_logo_CMJN_BLACK(1) Workforce Management & Productivity : BPM / Case Management
9h50 UKG inpowr Innovations logo_inpowr_fr Employee Survey, Health & Compensation
10h00 Sigma RH Agendrix Innovations agendrix-marque-logo-signature-greenery (1) Workforce Management & Productivity : Time and Attendance Management
10h10 UKG E2ergo Innovations Logo-E2NiveauRisque-Noir Employee Survey, Health & Compensation
10h20 Sigma RH Airudi Innovations airudi Workforce Management & Productivity : Time and Attendance Management
10h30 UKG Sparkbay Innovations logo sparkbay Employee Survey, Health & Compensation
10h40 Sigma RH WORKLEAP Innovations Workleap_Logo (1) Integrated Talent Management
10h50 UKG MPA Benefits Innovations MPA_logo_horizontal_RGB_FR Employee Survey, Health & Compensation
11h00 Sigma RH CEGID HR Innovations cegid Integrated Talent Management
11h10 UKG uxpertise LMS Innovations Logo uxpertise (4) (1) Learning and development
11h20 Sigma RH Tellent Innovations Tellent logo - Gradient (1) Integrated Talent Management
11h30 UKG nimble bubble Innovations nimble-bubble-logo-single-line Learning and development
11h40 Sigma RH INNOOVA Innovations INNOOVA Logo 100% White (1) Specialized HRIS Consulting Services
11h50 UKG Training Orchestra Innovations 2017_TrainingOrchestraLogo_Font-Large Learning and development
12h00 Sigma RH Zoho HR Innovations vvvitae Specialized HRIS Consulting Services
12h10 UKG ISTYA Innovations Istya_logo_RGB_150 (1) (1) Competence assessment
12h20 Sigma RH Kara Analytix Innovations Kara_RGB_Noir-Bleu Other Best-of-Breed Solution : HR Analytics
12h30 UKG Komplice Innovations Komplice-Logo_RGB_version-4coul Specialized HRIS Consulting Services
12h40 Sigma RH Relevance Studio Innovations Relevance Studio-logo-salon2024 Other Best-of-Breed Solution : HR Analytics
12h50 UKG Innovations IN-RGY, HR Path Group IN-RGY_an-HR-Path-company-bleu-FR Specialized HRIS Consulting Services
13h00 Sigma RH Folks Innovations Logo-Folks-no-tagline-yellow (2) (2) Human Capital Management HCM : HCM without Payroll
13h10 UKG Explorance Innovations explorance Other Best-of-Breed Solution : Retention
13h20 Sigma RH SIGMA-RH Innovations QC-sigma-logocomplet-blanc Human Capital Management HCM : HCM with Payroll
13h30 UKG VidCruiter Innovations vidcruiter-logo (1) Talent Acquisition
13h40 Sigma RH UKG Innovations UkG-French_rgb Human Capital Management HCM : HCM with Payroll
13h50 UKG ATLAS Innovations by Workland ATLAS LOGO FR 2 Talent Acquisition
14h00 Sigma RH dayforce Innovations Dayforce-Blue (1) Human Capital Management HCM : HCM with Payroll
14h10 UKG TrackRec Innovations TrackRec_Logo_Purple+Black Talent Acquisition
14h20 Sigma RH Innovations ADP Canada ADP_Logo_Digital Human Capital Management HCM : HCM with Payroll
14h30 UKG AppyHere Innovations AppyHere_Logo_RVB (Digital) Talent Acquisition
14h40 Sigma RH HRWize Innovations HRWize-Logo-SQ-FC Human Capital Management HCM : HCM without Payroll
14h50 UKG Manitou Innovations manitou_2019 Talent Acquisition
15h00 Sigma RH Algo Design Innovations algo Human Capital Management HCM : HCM with Payroll
15h10 UKG Innovations V3 Stent V3-Stent-Groupe_LogoFR Talent Acquisition
15h20 Sigma RH EmployeurD Innovations d15-desjardins-entreprises-couleur Human Capital Management HCM : HCM with Payroll
15h30 UKG Rippling Innovations RGB_Full_Plum (2) Talent Acquisition : HCM with Payroll
15h40 Sigma RH SAP SuccessFactors Innovations SAP_SuccessF_R_grad_blu Human Capital Management HCM : HCM with Payroll
15h50 UKG Interpreto Innovations Logo_Propulsébrh_FR Competence assessment
16h00 Sigma RH workday HCM Innovations logo_wday-RGB Human Capital Management HCM : HCM with Payroll
16h10 UKG Solution MPO Innovations MPO_Slogan_Logo_Droite_RGB_FR Competence assessment
16h20 Sigma RH Nethris Innovations Nethris Logo (2) Human Capital Management HCM : HCM with Payroll
16h30 UKG AtmanCo Innovations AtmanCo---Final Competence assessment
16h40 Sigma RH B12 Innovations 2022-Apprentx_byEdgenda Other Best-of-Breed Solution : Skills and Knowledge Management
16h50 UKG illuxi Innovations illuxi-logo-3000 Competence assessment

Programming available this winter

The HR Tech Innovation Summit thanks you for your interest. The program will be available later this winter. Don’t forget to sign up for our newsletter to stay informed.